New Year's Resolution/新年の抱負

                                                    by Electric Jellyfish/でんきくらげ作 [2018/1/12, 修正版:1/30]

原版(1/12版)を、native 某さんに直してもらった:

My new year's resolution is to say "thank you" on every occasion.

Not only to people but also to things. For example, "Thank you to my eyes (I can see this!)", "Thank you to my legs (I can walk!)", "Thank you to Water (I can wash my face)", "Thank you to Mountains (How beautiful!)", in this way.
If it is embarrassing to say in public, you can just say this in your mind.

Also, say "thank you" to those who already passed away, and to those whom I haven't met in person.
For example, when I read a book, I'd say "thank you" to the author and the people who helped in the process of publication.  Even to the sheets of paper, ink, and the printing machine, and so on.

Lastly, but not least, I want to say thank "you" very much for reading this.

P.S. The most difficult case to say "thank you" is to those closest to you. I cannot say this.
Ermines say (in mind): At least you can say this in "silent mode".

- - - The original version is as below: - - -

My new year's resolution is to say "thank you" on any occasion.

Not only to people but also to things. For example, "Thank you my eyes (I can see this!)", "Thank you my legs (I can walk!)", "Thank you Water (I can wash my face)", "Thank you Mountain (How beautiful!)", like that.
If it is embarrassing to say in public, just say that in your mind.

Also, say "thank you" to those who already passed away, and to those whom I haven't met in person.
For example, when I read a book, I'd say "thank you" to the author and the people who helped in the process of publication.  Even to the sheets of paper, ink, and the printing machine, and so on.

The last, but not in the least, I thank "you" very much for reading this.

P.S. The most difficult case to say "thank you" is to the closest. I cannot say that.
Ermine says (in mind): At least say that in silent mode.

人に対してだけではなく、物に対しても。 たとえば、「目さんありがとう(こうやって見ることができている)」、 「足さんありがとう(歩ける)」、「お水さんありがとう(顔を洗える)」、 「お山さんありがとう(きれいな山!)」、みたいに。

また、今は亡き人たちや、直接会ったことのない人たちにも「ありがとう」を言いたい。 たとえば、本を読んだときは、その作者や、出版に携わった人たちに。 使われている用紙やインク、印刷機械などにもね。

最後になってしまったが、とりわけ、 今これを読んでくれている「あなた」に、 どうもありがとう。

追記: 一番難しいのは最も身近なやつに「ありがとう」を言うことざんすね。 言えやしない。
おこじょさん心の声: 声に出せずとも、せめて心の声で言うのよ。
